
Stupid People Have Stupid Ideas – Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site

Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site

Sometimes you come across people who have the stupid gene hardwired into their DNA who supported by the normal cycle of evolution and propped up by our out of sync modern world with modern convenience lifestyle still survive. From a primitive perspective these people and ideas simply would not survive. There is no room for stupid people when it comes to survival.

However, many of these people manage to make it to places of power and their stupid ideas are carried out by even more stupid people with their flock mentality and support stupid ideas like putting roads through ancient monuments and World Heritage Sites like Stonehenge.

So what do the Government want to do?

The Government proposes to widen the A303 trunk road to the south west. This road crosses the iconic Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS), which has been called “the most archaeologically significant land surface in Europe”. The whole site, extending to beyond the horizons around the famous stones themselves, is c. 5.4 km across. All of it makes up a “huge ancient complex” that holds many secrets yet to be discovered.

The proposal is to put the road into a tunnel where it passes the stones, but the tunnel would be at most only 2.9 km long. This would result in at least 1.6 km of above-ground 21st-century road engineering within the WHS, consisting of new dual carriageway descending in massive trenches to the tunnel portals and possibly a new underpass with slip roads on the western WHS boundary.
All archaeology in the construction zones would be destroyed and the A303 would become the largest ever human intervention in an area fashioned and revered by over a hundred generations of our ancestors.

The whole Stonehenge landscape has an outstanding universal value that is of immense significance for all people for all time, and this transcends any consideration of sorting out a 21st century part-time traffic jam.

Sign the Petition: Click Here

or go over to the Stonehenge Alliance website for more information

Also read the previous article to see how important it is  Early Britons: Have we underestimated our ancestors? – BBC News wp content uploads 2015 04 Stonehenge Flier Jan2015 web.pdf

No further damage should be done to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge. Future generations would be appalled at those who decided that road widening should be at the expense of England’s most iconic World Heritage Site. If A303 widening at Stonehenge is felt to be essential it should be done by means of a deep bored tunnel at least 4.5km long. Anything shorter would cause irreparable damage to this landscape, in breach of the World Heritage Convention


2 thoughts on “Stupid People Have Stupid Ideas – Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site

  1. emarshx says:

    are we going to build a cool bridge over the Grand Canons next? or a faerie down the Niagara Falls? I seriously cannot believe this!


  2. Pingback: Stupid People Have Stupid Ideas – Save Stonehenge World Heritage Site | Primitive Survival Skills | Shamans Spear

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