Cooking, Pressgram

Kelly Kettle Hobo Stove with Meths Burner

One of the things I really like about the Kelly Kettle is how versatile it is.

The Hobo Stove attachment means you can use it as a cooker for small or larger pans.

The Kelly Kettle is also versatile with its fuel and does not just burn sticks. Here I am using meths burner (Trangia) on the base and this can also boil the water in the kettle too

To boil 1.3 litres it took half a burner full of meths and boiled it in 16 minutes, though I don’t like quoting burn times as it varies with ambient temperature as well as the temperature of the water. However it does seem to be faster with sticks

[su_heading]Why Use A Meths Burner?[/su_heading]

Well perhaps the obvious one is lack of dry wood or tinder, although given time you can solve this by knowing where to look.

The other is reasons for me are that I might be in an area or conditions where there is little wood to burn, such as on top of a moor or mountain, maybe its a SSSI status and needs to be respected and not harvested for dry wood.

The other times I prefer to use meths is when its raining and I am cooking under a hammock or tarp and don’t want the sparks flying up and putting holes in the tarp or hammock, it is always good to have an alternative fuel

[su_heading]Other Options![/su_heading]

There are other options as well solid fuel blocks not only work great as a firelighter for damp wood, but can cook your food, boil water in their own right. No burner, no problem just pour the fuel into the base of the Kelly Kettle (use only a small amount and take great care) and light it with a match.

Remember Meths and Alcohol fuels have nearly invisible flames in daylight so make sure the fuel is lit or out properly

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Chris Caine and I talk about plant identification and foraging during the Bushcraft Show 2014, Derbyshire UK

When respected survival instructors at the Bushcraft Show tell you they learnt loads by going on Chris’s course and say  “you must go on one” you have to take note.

Chris spent 15 years travelling around the UK living from hedgerows and woodland and building shelters as he travelled.  So I am looking forward to going on a course with Chris Caine myself  in the near future





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Cooking, Pressgram, What's New

Cup Set for the Kelly Kettle

You can now buy the Cup Set for the Kelly Kettle.

These are a great addition to your Kelly Kettle and come with fold out silicone covered handles and lip guards.

Made from Stainless Steel they come as a pair and fit inside each other where they can then fit inside the cook set, making for a compact way of carrying them.

If you don’t have a use for the second cup in your camping kit, then you have one for your desk! however carrying the second cup will stop those embarrassing moments when your friend turns up because they have smelt the water burning and expect a brew…

Great quality, very practical way to enjoy outdoor life

Come and see me at the Bushcraft Show if you want a look, as I’ll be taking my Kelly Kettle with me 🙂

Cup Set for the Kelly Kettle

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